Licence 1ére année - L1
ST - Sciences Technologie
SNV - Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie
English (US)
Licence 3ème année - L3
ST - Sciences Technologie
This is a summary of the card. It provides a brief description of the content.
20 modules
SNV - Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie
This is a summary of the card. It provides a brief description of the content.
15 modules
SM - Science de la Matière
This is a summary of the card. It provides a brief description of the content.
11 modules
MI - Math Informatique
This is a summary of the card. It provides a brief description of the content.
21 modules
GAT - Géographie et Aménagement du Territoire
This is a summary of the card. It provides a brief description of the content.
20 modules
STU - Sciences de la Terre et de l'Univers
This is a summary of the card. It provides a brief description of the content.
22 modules